i once saw a spooky ghost in my front lawn and nearly died! here is the story!
it was a dark and stormy night, and i reccently got back from my job at starbucks. i always like stealing their bags of coffee grounds, despite the fact that i hate their coffee. it was just my way of saying fuck em. but i digest.
when i turned on the telly, i heard a spooky noise from my window! thinking of it strange, i peered out and saw a spooky phantasm making spooky noises and knocking over my lawn gnomes! i locked the front door and called the police but the ghost was on the other line and said that i was next to be knocked over, if you catch my tokyo drift. suddenly the ghost broke down my door and started chasing me!
i ran to my room and locked my door behind me, as i was super scared. then i realized that the ghost was in my room the entire time! with nowhere to run, the ghost finally caught me and whispered horrible, disgusting things into my ear, like how one time it ate the skin of children and how it also keyed my car on the way here.
just then, i remembered i was the one writing the story at 1:30 in the morning so i took the ghost out of the story before it could do any more harm, as well as deciding to return the starbucks coffee grounds the next morning.
and here we be. the lesson here is to not steal coffee, less you want spooky ghosts to come and scare the mediocre out of you!!!